Events Made Special is an innovative venture spearheaded by young entrepreneur Mitch Harrison. Drawing inspiration from the 1950's aesthetic, Mitch combines his architectural studies with a passion for vintage prop design and lighting. He has created some of Australia's most Instagram-worthy, art-li
Events Made Special is an innovative venture spearheaded by young entrepreneur Mitch Harrison. Drawing inspiration from the 1950's aesthetic, Mitch combines his architectural studies with a passion for vintage prop design and lighting. He has created some of Australia's most Instagram-worthy, art-like props, utilizing the latest in non-breakable neon lighting technology. The mission of Events Made Special is to create exclusive experiences with unique and bespoke props that inspire imagination, amplify celebrations and resonate on social media. Their commitment to understanding client needs and delivering outstanding service sets them apart.
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Events Made Special is an innovative venture spearheaded by young entrepreneur Mitch Harrison. Drawing inspiration from the 1950’s aesthetic, Mitch combines his architectural studies with a passion for vintage prop design and lighting. He has created some of Australia’s most Instagram-worthy, art-like props, utilizing the latest in non-breakable neon lighting technology. The mission of Events Made Special is to create exclusive experiences with unique and bespoke props that inspire imagination, amplify celebrations and resonate on social media. Their commitment to understanding client needs and delivering outstanding service sets them apart.
Events Made Special is an innovative venture spearheaded by young entrepreneur Mitch Harrison. Drawing inspiration from the 1950’s aesthetic, Mitch combines his architectural studies with a passion for vintage prop design and lighting. He has created some of Australia’s most Instagram-worthy, art-like props, utilizing the latest in non-breakable neon lighting technology. The mission of Events Made Special is to create exclusive experiences with unique and bespoke props that inspire imagination, amplify celebrations and resonate on social media. Their commitment to understanding client needs and delivering outstanding service sets them apart.