The Ultimate Free Corporate Event Planning Checklist

Last Updated on December 9, 2022 by Project Party

The corporate event. A time to network, schmooze, and drink on someone else’s dime. But before you can enjoy the fruits of your labour, you’ve got to actually plan the event. And as anyone who’s ever tried to organize a group of more than two people knows, that can be a daunting task.

But fear not! With careful planning and execution, you can pull off a corporate event that will be the talk of the town…or at least, the talk of the office. This checklist will help you plan a corporate event from start to finish, with timelines and tips to ensure a smooth and successful event. So break out your planner and get ready to party!

8 Weeks Out From the Event

Step 1: Create a Committee

Planning a corporate event can be a daunting task, but there’s no need to go it alone. The best way to ensure a successful event is to create a committee of employees who will be responsible for different aspects of the event. Assign a chairperson who will be in charge of coordinating the committee and delegating tasks, and make sure each committee member has a job to do. This way, you’ll have a team of people working together to make sure the event is a success. And if any problems do arise, you can be sure that someone on the committee will be able to handle them. So go ahead and delegate those tasks – with a little help from your friends, you’re sure to throw a great event.

Corporate event checklist planning

Step 2: Set Goals & Objectives

Once the committee is in place, it’s time to set goals and objectives for the event. What do you want to accomplish with this event? Will it be a networking opportunity? A chance to show off your company’s latest product or service? Or perhaps a fundraiser for a local charity? Whatever your goals may be, make sure they are clearly outlined and communicated to the entire committee. This way, everyone will be on the same page and can work together to make sure those goals are met.

Step 3: Confirm the Type of Corporate Event

Understanding the goals and objectives you want to instil will then help you determine the type of corporate event you’d like to host. Will it be a formal gala? An outdoor picnic? A team-building retreat? Or something else entirely? Once you’ve figured out the type of event, it’s time to move on to planning all the details

6 Weeks Out From the Event

Step 4: Set the Budget

One of the most important aspects of planning a corporate event is setting a budget and sticking to it. Determine how much money you have to work with and allocate funds accordingly. This is also the time to decide who will be footing the bill – is this a company-sponsored event, or are you asking guests to pay for their own tickets? Be sure to communicate this information clearly with your committee and any vendors you may need to hire.

4 Weeks Out From the Event

Step 5: Choose the Date and Venue

The date and venue are two of the most important aspects of any event. Choose a date that works for the majority of your attendees and book a venue that is both comfortable and accommodating. If you’re planning an outdoor event, be sure to also plan for inclement weather.

Step 6: Hire Vendors

Hiring the right vendors can make or break your corporate event. Take some time to research local vendors and ask for recommendations from friends and colleagues who have used their services in the past. Also, don’t be afraid to negotiate – you can often get better deals if you’re willing to haggle a bit

Step 7: Confirm Speakers and Topics

If you plan to have guest speakers at your event, contact them four weeks in advance to confirm their availability and the topics they will discuss. Choose speakers who are knowledgeable and engaging, to keep your attendees entertained and informed.

Corporate event checklist speakers

2 Weeks Out From the Event

Step 8: Promote Your Event

Two weeks before your event, it’s time to start promoting it. Create a hashtag and social media campaign to get the word out about your upcoming corporate event. Send out email invites and reminders, create flyers, or even print t-shirts – whatever it takes to get people interested and excited about your event.

1 Week Out From the Event

Step 9: Finalise All Details

Now is the time to dot all your i’s and cross all your t’s. Finalize all details with vendors, speakers, and attendees. Make sure you have all the food, drinks, and supplies you need to make your event a success. And don’t forget to double-check with venues and speakers to confirm their availability one last time

Step 10: Confirm Attendance

Confirm attendance with all attendees so that you can get an accurate headcount for food and other supplies. You should also confirm transportation arrangements at this time, if applicable.

Corporate event checklist team

Day of the Event

Step 11: Set Up and Get Ready

On the day of your event, arrive early to set up and make sure everything is in place. Check that all audio-visual equipment works properly, confirm seating arrangements, and make sure all vendors have what they need to provide their services.

Step 12: Check-in Guests

As guests arrive, be sure to check them in so that you can keep track of who is attending your event. This is also a great opportunity to start networking and engaging with your guests.

Step 13: Introduce Speakers

If you have any speakers at your event, be sure to introduce them before they begin their presentation. This will help them feel more comfortable and provide some context for their talk.

Step 14: Serve Food and Drinks

Once all of the guests have arrived, it’s time to serve food and drinks. If you’re serving alcohol, be sure to have plenty of non-alcoholic options available as well.

Corporate event checklist refreshments

Step 15: Mingle!

Be sure to mingle with your guests throughout the event. This is a great opportunity to network and build relationships with potential clients or customers.

After The Event

Step 16: Follow Up With Attendees

Be sure to follow up with all attendees after the event has ended. Thank them for coming and invite them to future events. This is also a great time to ask for feedback about your event so that you can make any necessary changes for the next one.

Step 17: Evaluate Your Event

Send out surveys to attendees in order to get their opinion of the event. This will help you pinpoint areas that need improvement and provide valuable insight into what went. So make sure that you take some time after your event has ended to evaluate what went well and what could be improved for next time. This will help you plan even better events in the future!

Step 18: Follow Up With Vendors

Finally, make sure to check in with all of your vendors and thank them for their services. Ask for any invoices or paperwork you may need from them as well. Following up with vendors is an important part of the post-event process. Making sure that everything has gone smoothly and that all invoices are paid on time will help ensure that you have good relationships with these vendors in the future. This is also a great opportunity to ask for any feedback they may have about your event. Getting input from other professionals can be extremely helpful in improving your corporate events!